Freeflow Stories
Published Winter, 2023 by ICRL Press (The International Consciousness Research Laboratories). Freeflow Stories joins a handful of my other titles, such as Worldshift Happens! Facing Down the Fear, Waking up the Mind at ICRL, whose primary mission is “…to promote a science of the subjective that will enable us to explore the role of consciousness in the establishment of physical reality.” The whole book is also being published one story per week as an audio book through the podcast, Carolyn North Out Loud, produced by Leslie Jackson.
About every two weeks, since 2011, Carolyn has written a brief piece—like a prose poem—about the state of the world through the lens of her daily life. This latest of three volumes covers 2018–2022. Her purpose has been to tell the truth as gently as possible, and to point out the positive, hopeful aspects of what is happening in the world, reassuring us all—starting with myself—that with creative imagination and love for one another, we can work at making inevitable changes lightly enough to laugh at some of the painful absurdities we find ourselves in.

About Carolyn
Over the years I have:
- given birth to three children;
- been a midwife in India;
- sung in a Gospel choir;
- started a farm;
- taught my technique of dance healing;
- started a hunger organization, Daily Bread;
- built a strawbale house;
- written 11 books on matter and spirit and;
- stayed married to the same man for 58 years until his death in 2015;
- started the CommonSpace Community Land Trust in Sonoma County;
- become a member of the Wild and Radish Community of Northern California where I am helping design a program for elders aging and dying in community.
I feel I am here to help make the transition from a materialistic culture to a culture that recognizes that we are all connected with each other, with the earth and with the cosmos. I live in Berkeley, California and have 4 grandchildren.
You can read my bi-monthly articles on Musings On The Passing Scene and can follow links to information about my books at About Carolyn’s Books. The latest books are From the Notebooks of Carolyn North: Musings on the Passing Scene (Vol. 1) and its sequel The Living Edge of Dying: Musings in an Era of Breakdown (Vol. 2). They both address the realities of our time with deep seriousness, humor, personal stories and suggestions of how to keep on keeping on.